Pictured here at our first start point are: Quentin Matthews newby to the village, yours truly, Martin and Adrienne Wiltshire, Mark Preston and Helen Morris. David Brown took the photo.
It may seem a strange time of the year to start a cycling club but sometimes these things get pushed to the back of the queue when work and family commitments take precedence.
However, welcome to what we hope will be a popular pastime for anyone with a bike who fancies getting out with a like-minded group of locals for a couple of hours of sociable weekend riding through our wonderful countryside.
The idea comes from David Brown, former sponsor of the Sutton 10k run and a Gowan’s resident and we had our inaugural ride with a trip out through Tollerton and Aldwark, on to Beningborough Hall for coffee and cake (compulsory I’m pleased to say) and back home in time for lunch. Total distance covered was 24 miles.
The plan is to cater for all ages and abilities and the rides will be tailored to suit. There’s no compunction to go haring off like Wiggo and slower riders will always be waited for so we can stay together as a group. The emphasis is on enjoyment. At present we are looking to go out every couple of weeks.
We start from the Rose and Crown in Main Street and suggest you bring a waterproof jacket (ideally hi-vis) just in case we get caught out by the weather. If it’s already raining, don’t bother turning out – we are all fine weather cyclists.
Other essentials are: a roadworthy bike of course a spare inner tube (much easier than trying to mend a puncture) and, oh yes, cycling helmets are compulsory. Did I mention money for cake?
If you’re interested in joining the fun either, just turn up on the day or drop David Brown an email at: david@dkbassociates.co.uk for more details.
John Barrass