Sutton on the Forest YCA


The Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association are a friendly group of women who meet at the Grey Village Hall in Sutton on the Forest on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm.
Currently we have a growing membership of 50 members.

Outing to see Stamford Bridge Tapestries. Picture shows a group of ladies from the YCA in front of the tapestries.

Outing to see Stamford Bridge Tapestries

We endeavour to further friendship, inform, and provide mutual support to women living in the village and surrounding areas.
New members of all age groups are always welcome.

We are very proud of our annual programme of speakers, and frequent outings.


Canadian Memorial Service 2016Once a month we have a coffee morning where approximately 20 members enjoy delicious homemade scones, jam and cream !!!!   We have an on-going commitment to fund raising and we donate to village amenities as well as to local charitable causes.

Huby and Sutton Show 2023. Picture shows ladies from the YCA in the craft tent, four seated at a table and two members stood behind.

Huby and Sutton Show 2023


We organise the huge marquee for the Home Produce and Crafts Section of the Huby and Sutton Show and in May in the Village Hall we undertake the catering for the annual Canadians’ Memorial Service and the Open Gardens Weekend which is held every other year. If we say so ourselves people come from far and wide for the delicious homemade cakes alone !!!!


Yorkshire Day Outing to Tenants in Leyburn. Picture shows members of the YCA sat around a table having afternoon tea.

Yorkshire Day Outing to Tenants in Leyburn

We aim to have a club which is truly for the members, and encourage their input to let their voices be heard.

Our programme for 2025 is –




January 29th Annual Lunch – The George Hotel, Easingwold
February 5th Circus Skills (Stuart Priest)
March 5th Copper to Shepherd (Sue Woodcock)
April 2nd Yorkshire Air Ambulance (Kevin Hutchinson)
May 7th The Crimes of Dr Gramshaw (Rosemary Cook)
June 4th Retirement – what retirement? (Maggie Poppa)
July Outing (TBA)
August Afternoon Tea in the village hall (members only) (TBA)
September 3rd Rocking Horses
Living the Creative Life (Tony Dew)
October 1st Prince Philip of Greece – The turbulent early life of the Duke of Edinburgh (Richard and Jan Crouch)
November 5th Forest of Flowers (Tom Hook)
December 3rd Christmas sing-a-long (Main Street Band)
Wetherby 2022. Picture shows four ladies from the YCA stood outside n the sunshine with a hanging basket of flowers behind them.

Wetherby 2022


If you are interested in finding out more about us, please don’t hesitate to contact Irene Martin (Secretary) – tel: (01904) 801510; email: you would like to come along as a visitor to ‘give it a try’ – you would be very welcome.


YCA members at the Rose & Crown coffee morning

Coffee morning at the Rose & Crown 2022

Summer Outing to Sledmere House

Jane and Alison on the Summer Outing to Sledmere House

Outing to Shibden Hall and Piece Hall 2022. Picture shows the ladies of the YCA grouped in front of the coach.

Outing to Shibden Hall and Piece Hall 2022

Huby and Sutton Show 2023. Picture shows two ladies from the YCA in front of the flower entries in the craft tent.

Huby and Sutton Show 2023

Coffee Morning in the Church Rooms 2023. Picture shows ladies seated around a long table in the church rooms having coffee.

Coffee Morning in the Church Rooms 2023